关于「 b2b」的内容列表

Index completes 3.50 million Australian dollar seed round led by Blackbird and Bain Capital Ventures

According to Forbes, B2B product management platform Index announced the completion of 3.50 million Australian dollar seed round financing, led by Blackbird and Bain Capital Ventures, with participation from BOND, Y Combinator and others. Since its official launch two months ago, the platform has attracted well-known companies such as Ramp, Uniswap, Clerk, Semgrep and others to join the reservation list.

2025-02-12 10:47:57
Index完成350万澳元种子轮融资,Blackbird与Bain Capital Ventures领投

据Forbes报道,B2B产品管理平台Index 宣布完成350万澳元种子轮融资,由Blackbird和Bain Capital Ventures领投,BOND、Y Combinator等参投。该平台自两个月前正式上线以来,已吸引Ramp、Uniswap、Clerk、Semgrep等知名公司加入预订名单。

2025-02-12 10:47:57

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